Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
What is Imperialism?
Imperialism, in my opinion is when a country seizes other country that is uncivilized, in diferents aspect: politic, economic and military. In the book "HOD" you can see a clear example: the Congo is imperialism by belgium, in this case Belgium("white people") is civilized and the Congo(afro americans people) are not civilized ( In the mayorities the country that are imperialism another country, are very "strong" nations).

Stress and Anxiety
1) What are the characteristics of Stress and anxiety?
Stress and anxiety have a lot of characteristics, but the most famous characteristics are the next ones:
- A faster heart rate
- Skipped heartbeats
- Rapid breathing
- Sweating
- Trembling
- Dizziness
These are the characteristics that you going to feel in your body if you have Stress and anxiety, but also there are another’s characteristics that are psychological.
2) Why does it occur?
Stress occurs when a situation, event or thought becomes threatening, worrisome or anxiety-provoking.
Stress can be present when they need to adapt to something or change
Starting a new job or school
Moving to a new home
Getting married
Having a child
Breaking up with someone
An injury or illness to you, a friend, or a loved one is a common cause of stress. Feelings of stress and anxiety are common in people who feel depressed and sad.
But they are some drugs that cause Stress and anxiety:
Some inhaler medicines used to treat asthma
Thyroid drugs
Some diet pills
Some cold remedies
Caffeine, cocaine, alcohol, and tobacco products may also cause or make symptoms of stress or anxiety worse.
3) What are the most common symptoms?
We research a lot of symptoms in internet but we found the 10 most common of these illness:
· Frequent headaches, jaw clenching or pain
· Gritting, grinding teeth
· Stuttering or stammering
· Tremors, trembling of lips, hands
· Neck ache, back pain, muscle spasms
· Light headedness, faintness, dizziness
· Ringing, buzzing or “popping sounds
· Frequent blushing, sweating
· Cold or sweaty hands, feet
· Dry mouth, problems swallowing
4) What types of treatment or therapy can a patient use? How long they take? What are their pros and cons?
In the Alternative medicine the therapy that you can take if you have stress are:
Massage: this helps you in lowers blood pressure, reduces muscular tension and provides immediate relief. The effects are immediately, but the massage not eliminates the Stress and anxiety, just relax the illness. One advantage is that the massage is natural and the disadvantage is that only relax momentarily
Herbal remedies: that has been specially formulated to quickly relieve the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks, these remedies are effectively relieve feelings of stress, tension and nervousness in both children and adults without any of the harmful side effects possible with prescription medication. These take a few months to make effect. An advantage is that is not addictive drug, eliminate completely the illness and they are nature, and a disadvantage are very expensive and they are very difficult to find.
5) What are the real possibilities of recovery if using this type of medicine?
The possibilities of recovery with alternative medicine are very effective, but the recovery takes months of treatment. The massage, for example, relaxes the discomfort for a short time, but not recovery completely the illness. Or herbal remedies that their process of healing are too long and that’s the reason because people don’t prefer these treatment.
6) What type of remedies can a patient take?
The patient can take a lot of remedies, but the best remedies are the natural remedies. For example:
· Lavender
· Passion flower
· Lemon balm
· Every types of relaxes massage
· Flower of Bach
· Acupuncture
· Yoga
7) What are the costs involved?
The costs of remedies and treatment depend the type of treatment that you going to take, for example: the massage treatment cost approximate 40,00$ US, the treatment of natural medicine cost approximate 35,00$ US, a therapy of acupuncture cost approximate 10,00$US for session and psychology 80,00$US.
8) Do health program in Chile cover this treatment expenses? How about health programs of the USA?
Chile doesn’t cover these treatments because in Chile no such extreme cases of stress and Chile only cover illness more dangerous.
In United State cover this treatment because the 25% for the population of United State have stress and anxiety. This illness is frequently in United State for the life style of the population of this country. However, in Chile the life style are more “relaxes” than United State, so that mean that the level of work in Chile is more underdeveloped, because of that, the State don’t have the money and necessity for subsidize that illness. But in USA, the situation is different, because the State have been receive alert of stress cases, and this situation led to subsidize this illness.
Monday, 17 June 2013
video guide line:
Panenca style: The name of the pennalty is because a famous player called Antonini Panenca, a Cezch player that beat with that style to Germany, in the Eurocup in 1976. The bad thing of this style is that if you fail, you gonna stay in ridiculus.
But the better way is to kick strog and placed, you need to change your style or then the goalkeeper always gonna catch your pennalty.
How to kick a pennalty
Well, this day I will talk about a topic that hurts very much to Chile, Do you remember the pennalty of Carlos Caszely in Spain 1982?, well I make this video to begginers, so you don't happend the same thing of Caszely. To kick a pennalty is very easy, the problem is in the mind, because if you fail you gonna disapiont your team, is not the same thing kick a pennalty in a stadium with 80.000 spectators that kick a pennalty in a match with your friends.
If you gonna kick a pennalty you need a lot of concentration, technique and self- segurity, for example: Pelé says that, to kick a pennalty you must kick very hard and in the center, Know I gonna show you some type of pennaltys:
- La embustera
- moyuha
- the taconazo
- around the world
But the better way is to kick strog and placed, you need to change your style or then the goalkeeper always gonna catch your pennalty.
informative fo from the opinion piece
While this burst of energy may help you in physical situations where your body needs to react quickly, it can have bad effects on your mind and performance if there is no outlet or reason for your stress. These effects may include:
- Interfering with your judgment and causing you to make bad decisions
- Making you see difficult situations as threatening
- Reducing your enjoyment and making you feel bad
- Making it difficult for you to concentrate or to deal with distraction
- Leaving you anxious, frustrated or mad
- Making you feel rejected, unable to laugh, afraid of free time, unable to work, and not willing to discuss your problems with others
Physical and Mental Signs of Long-term Stress
Long-term stress or stress that is occurring over long periods of time can have an even greater effect on your body and mind. Long-term stress can affect your body by:
- Changing your appetite (making you eat either less or more)
- Changing your sleep habits (either causing you to sleep too much or not letting you sleep enough)
- Encouraging 'nervous' behavior such as twitching, fiddling, talking too much, nail biting, teeth grinding, pacing, and other repetitive habits
- Causing you to catch colds or the flu more often and causing other illnesses such as asthma, headaches, stomach problems, skin problems, and other aches and pains
- Affecting your sex life and performance
- Making you feel constantly tired and worn out
Conventional vs Alternative medicine
Why is conventional better than alternative? we know that conventional medicine is the medicine based the science, the medicine that study the biology. The alternative is the medicine based the nature, this medicine is extracted from specific flowers that have "some power" to heal you.
I'm gonna write why conventional medicine is better than alternative, Conventional medicine is the type of medicine that the people control the medical education system have deemed to be the most appropiate system of medical care.
First, Alternative medicine is fraud, because the effects are false and some products are toxic, like the tea of anis, anis tea is banned in several cuntries for the FDA, also, the effects of alternative medicine take too long to heal, a diference of conventional they make affect ina a week. However, you can't compare some "magic flowers" with chemicals that realy heal you.
Second, Conventional medicine is the more effective beacuse the medicine heal you at the 100%, what I mean? because is based on the science, to be based on science, we know more accuerately the disease and how to heal you more fast.
Alternative Medicine in Stress and Anxiety
In my opinion, Alternative Medicine is the best way to heal the famous illness "Stress and Anxiety". Alternative medicine is all the medicine that is natural, for example: massages, flowers of bach, extractsof plants and that type of medicine. Stress and Anxiety is a mental disorder, that is an imbalance between the demands made of then and the resources they have available to cope with those demands.
First, Alternative medicine is the best way to heal this illness, why? beacause the remedies that Alternative medicine have are exactly for this, for example: a massage relaxes all the stress and you don't need any intervention inside of your body.
Alternative medicine not only it relaxes stress, but also it is very cheap, it relaxes all the stress for only 30,00$ instead of spend 100$ in conventional medicine that have the same results.
Finally, Altenative medicine, as I said earlier is natural, you don't need any intervention in your body, instead in conventional you need to do an intervention and that leaves scars, or they give drugs or dangerous remedies.
In conclusion, Alternative medicine is the best way to heal stress and anxiety, because don't damage you, it is cheap and it doesen`t leave scars.
In conclusion, Alternative medicine is the best way to heal stress and anxiety, because don't damage you, it is cheap and it doesen`t leave scars.
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